David Pouwhare
Ko Maunga-Pohatu te maunga
Ko Rangitaiki te awa
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Tuhoe te iwi
Ko Ngati Patuheuheu te hapu
Ko Waiohau te marae
Ko David Pouwhare taku ingoa
No Whakatane ahau
I use to think I had to be in control of any situation no matter what.
The more violent and aggressive I was made me feel more in control.
I grew up watching my older brothers in control of their club, wives, rumbles, fast cars, drug deals and doing prison time for all of that.
I turned out the same, staunch to the fist, I loved my patch, my ego as big as my maunga, abusive and violent to my partner, traumatized my children, hated the system, police and mongrel mob.
I ended up hating myself, my actions and behaviour. I hated being this PERPATRATOR now that I know, I was outta control.
My Redemption Journey brothers, come join me and others sharing their story to
UNCOVER why shet happened
DISCOVER tools to put shet right
RECOVER from that shet pretty much
Nga mihi
- whakatane@safemansafefamily.org.nz
- 027 767 3012
- Whakatāne