Tim Marshall


I have been involved with SafeMan SafeFamily for over 12 years since I first met Vic back in 2009. It is a kaupapa that I’m passionate about as I have seen the impact and positive outcomes of the Peer-Led, Professionally Support approach.

I have been on the board for the past 4 years and currently have the privilege to be in the role of Chairperson. I have also been supporting operationally alongside the team where required.

My own employment back ground includes working with men for over 20 years in both paid and voluntary capacities and I currently co-ordinate the Tauawhi Mens Centre, a unique and locally generated community response to addressing a gap in service for men in Tairawhiti/Gisborne.

The service provides court mandated and self-referred support for men for non-violence programmes, counselling, parenting and social work support. It also hosts Te Hōkai: Male Survivors Tairawhiti.

I live in Gisborne with my partner Whetumarama and together they we have one son and two daughters, George, Amiria and Ngahuia and four mokopuna Whetu Te Rangi, Tiaki, Mahina-Jane and Tihia

  • Gisborne